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Demand to Know About The Source of The Herbs… and

As a savvy and prudent consumer you you must demand to know about the herbal products you purchase and consume.
Here is the criteria you should consider:
Are the herbs grown and processed in North America?
- Purity
- Biological contamination
Jim Foley Insists on the Following Standards:
The herbs come from known North American providers – never from brokers who may purchase from the spot market, providing iffy production history and questionable quality .
Each batch of herbs is tested 3 times
- Once for purity and potency
- Once for biologicals (fungus, etc.)
then held for 30 days in controlled quarantine and then…
- retested for for biologicals (fungus, etc.)
This is the quality standard that makes Jim Foley’s Herbal Products the only choice for the savvy consumer.
You will never have to worry about herbs comming from China when you purchase Jim’s Colon Pills, Cleanse or any of Jim’s product line.