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The #1 health problem in America — NOT going to the Bathroom!

 Your doctor will probably never tell you this, but if you don’t go to the bathroom 2-3 times a day, you are constipated and your health is going down the toilet.

If your colon is clogged…

  • The bathroom probably stinks like crazy when you go.
  • You could have 5-10 pounds of tough, decaying, black CRUD lining the walls of your large intestine.
  • You could have a protruding belly right above the waistline — even if you’re thin.
  • You could have bad breath and a bad complexion.

What’s the solution? Colon researcher Jim Foley claims his Colon Pills can fix most of these problems. “There are two things you can count on: paying your taxes and this colon pill working.” Is he right?

The #1 Colon Pill in America — Jim’s Colon Pills — Cleans your colon and helps eliminate constipation, colitis, gastritis, diverticulitis, polyps, diarrhea, Crohn’s disease, and spastic colon.

Click here to order   FREE Shipping on orders over $100.00

Clean your colon, and lose 5-10 pounds…

“When I tell people they can have stuff in their colon for 3-4 years, they say, ‘Impossible, NOT me!’”
— Man who lost 18 pounds after he cleaned his colon.

  • Nebraska man cures 50 years of constipation in less than one week.
  • Man cleans clogged colon. Chronic 10-year headaches gone in 2 days.
  • Man has bleeding, itching hemorrhoids for five years. Cured in 6 weeks.

“I lost 20 pounds by cleansing my colon”
— Mary C. — 68-year-old woman

“I took the Turkey-Rhubarb formula for about two months and lost 20 pounds. Now finally,
my stomach is flat! I used to wear a size 14. Now I wear a size 9-11. I had to buy everything new. My light blue eyes turned a deeper shade of blue. Before, the whites of my eyes were yellowish. Now they are a pure white.”

“The stench tells the story.”

“Everyone is afraid to talk about bathroom problems. Not me! We’re going to talk about horrible smells, gas, enemas, stained underwear and toilet bowls, straining, bowel movements — shapes, sizes and colors.

“People openly discuss radical issues like war, rape, abortion, murder, and sex. But when it comes to bathroom problems, it’s a forbidden topic. It’s considered ‘dirty.’

“Yet, most of America is horribly constipated. People are obsessed with cleaning the outside of their body. But their insides, their colon, is often like a rotting cesspool — full of layer upon layer of BLACK, fermented food. And you wonder why people feel so rotten?

“Fortunately, there is an easy solution — Jim Foley’s famous Colon Pills.

“So, hold on to your toilet seat and get ready for what may be one of the greatest interviews in toilet bowl history.

Jim Foley Interview:

QUESTION: Are you exaggerating that the colon can get clogged like a rotting sewer line?

FOLEY: I can only relate what happened to me. After I started on the colon formula, the stench that came out in the bathroom was just overwhelming. Then, about five weeks later, the stuff that came out turned really black.

Once, I felt something strange come out. I looked in the toilet and said to myself, “What the heck is this?” It was 3 inches long, and looked rubbery-hard, like a tube — almost like plywood. I didn’t stay in the bathroom too long because the smell was getting me sick.

QUESTION: Whatever it was, how long would you say it was in you?

FOLEY: It could have been in there 5-10 years. I don’t know. Maybe longer. All I know is that it didn’t belong there and would have stayed a lot longer, if I didn’t clean my colon. I couldn’t see it coming out on it’s own.

In the next 3-4 days, even more of this black crud came out. Then, the stools went from a dark black to a dark brown. Then, five months later, the stools got black again. Then, eventually, the stools returned to normal.

QUESTION: Where did the black stuff come from?

FOLEY: Years of bad eating. For most of my life, it was hamburger, hamburger and more hamburger, plus beer and alcohol. All this bad food was staying in me. It became part of my colon.

“She was forced to buy a new wardrobe.” 

QUESTION: Has anyone lost weight besides yourself?

FOLEY: One woman lost 25 pounds and was forced to buy a new wardrobe. She made no changes in her diet.

A clogged colon blocks nutrients from being absorbed.

When the colon is clogged-up like a dirty car filter, your body can only extract 5-10% of the nutrition you eat. The inside of your colon becomes like hardened rubber. You can take the best nutrients, but they just pass on through. They are not absorbed.

QUESTION: Are most people constipated?

FOLEY: Yes! If you don’t have a bowel movement after every meal, you’re constipated. Many go only once a day. Many women are terribly constipated. Some go every other day. Some go once every few days. One woman went to the bathroom only once a week! The longer old food stays in your colon, the worse shape you are in. The toxins can poison you.

QUESTION: What does it mean when people strain when they go to the toilet?

FOLEY: Their stools are too dry because they are constipated. You shouldn’t have to strain at all.

“Once, I cut some gas and four people RUSHED out of the car — gasping for fresh air! Now, my gas doesn’t smell.”

QUESTION: How long did you have colon problems?

FOLEY: My whole life. The most embarrassing moment of my life was when I was four. I couldn’t go to the bathroom; everything was so hard, it wouldn’t come out. So my parents gave me an enema. I hated it! It was so humiliating; my brothers sat at the door laughing.

These problems continued as I got older. The gas that used to come out of me was horrible; people used to make fun of me all the time. I used to clear rooms, clear buildings. I did this at my brother’s wedding. The whole bottom floor stunk — even with the bathroom door shut. Once, I was on a hunting trip in sub-zero weather with four friends. I let out some gas and the whole car cleared! They all rushed out — gasping for fresh air.

My mother was like that too. She, my dad and my uncle were driving back from Washington once and my mother was sick. She told her brother-in-law he’d better pull over, she had some gas. He laughed and said, “We’re all family, go ahead and let it out.” She passed some bad gas and my uncle literally pulled over and threw-up on the roadside!

“If you have to use an air freshener, you desperately need the colon pills.” 

QUESTION: What does bad-smelling gas mean?

FOLEY: It means food is fermenting and rotting in your gut. Gas is not supposed to smell like roses, but it shouldn’t smell like a sewer either. If it does, it means you’re not going to the bathroom enough. Food should stay in you only 8-15 hours. Any more, and you can become a walking cesspool.

“If you have to strain when you go, or read a newspaper while you wait, you definitely need this product.” — Jim Foley

“This was my problem. I would eat, eat and eat, but I could only go maybe once a day. I would spend 5-15 minutes in the bathroom; I always took something to read. The movements would be so hard, I would have to strain till my eyes watered. I would rock back and forth, hoping something would drop. And it hurt so bad coming out; it was so hard!

“Then it would take endless toilet paper to wipe, and I could never get clean.”

“Dark rings under the eyes usually go away after the first bottle.”

QUESTION: How did the colon pills help you?

FOLEY: I can go at least three times a day; I’m in and out in a few minutes flat. No more hard stools, no more straining! No more hemorrhoids. Now, I can eat all I want, even bad food, and not gain weight. I don’t exercise. Now, when I do have gas, it doesn’t reek. Plus, the movements are fluffy; they don’t sink to the bottom of the toilet like they used to or leave marks. If your diet is high in fat and your fecal matter sinks, you’re in bad health.

Last year, on my honeymoon, I didn’t take the pills for a few days. My movements got hard and impacted. It felt like concrete. I couldn’t have sex; I couldn’t even get an erection I felt so bad. Then, finally, the pills kicked in and everything came out. My wife and I then had a honeymoon we’ll never forget.

QUESTION: What comments do you hear from people who tried the colon pills?

FOLEY: People feel lighter; they don’t get that bloated feeling after eating. They have more energy; they feel better. They are not as depressed and cranky. Often, a yellow tint to the skin will vanish; the skin becomes ruddier. Often, tongues coated with a thick, white film will turn a healthy pink. One man claimed ten years of headaches vanished. The eyes often become more radiant.

QUESTION: How much weight does the average person lose?

FOLEY: Many lose 5-10 pounds or more. This comes from all that hard, impacted crud lining the colon wall. You can’t exercise this weight off. It has to be stripped-off from within. This is the most important five pounds a person can lose. Many lose that protruding belly after a few weeks on the pills.

One woman tried Metamucil for years and she never became regular. But after a month on the colon pills, she goes like never before. She looks ten years younger. Plus, she lost inches in her waist.

“The #1 comment I hear is: ‘That bloated feeling is gone.’”

QUESTION: How is the formula different from commercial laxatives like Ex-lax?

FOLEY: Most laxatives don’t stimulate the colon, they irritate it. They are often too harsh. They often cause diarrhea, headaches, cramping, dizziness or gas. The colon pills will stimulate and strengthen the colon muscles and gently pull the toxins out of the mucosa lining of the colon.

QUESTION: What are some of the worst colon cases you have heard?

FOLEY: I have had several people who went once every 2-3 weeks. One woman in really bad shape said, “I’m as regular as my period, once a month.” She used to say, “Please God, letthis be the day!”

Many women go only once every few days, if they are lucky. Often, their doctors say that is normal for them. This is NOT normal! You can tell a person who doesn’t go — they are sad, their skin doesn’t glow, they are often big in the belly, and they don’t have that healthy look. You should go 2-3 times per day. It should be a dark color, not light. It should be soft and fluffy, not long, hard logs.

QUESTION: How many pills should a person take?

FOLEY: I never take more than 1-2 pills a day; that’s all I need. Some may need 4-8 pills a day in the beginning to blast out; everyone is different. Best to start with small amounts and gradually increase the dose if needed. Drink plenty of water.

QUESTION: Should people be scared about going all the time, if they take the pills?

FOLEY: With the proper dosage, it’s not a problem.

QUESTION: What are the ingredients?

FOLEY: It contains seven natural herbs; cascara sagrada, senna pods, psyllium seeds, turkey rhubarb, aloe, barberry root and slippery elm.

QUESTION: How many people need these pills?

FOLEY: At least 80% of the people or more. Many people on prescription drugs are terribly constipated, especially the elderly. One guy who owned a health food store for twenty years couldn’t find anything that worked. The best health food store products were useless. He was horribly constipated and grumpy. One bottle straightened him out.

QUESTION: Can they help a healthy person?

FOLEY: Sure! You don’t have to be an extreme case to benefit. I have never sold any other product where my customers will spend their own money to buy an extra bottle for their mom or dad.

Diarrhea: The worst form of constipation.

Many think that if they have diarrhea, they don’t need the colon pills. Just the opposite
is true; they need them more than ever. Diarrhea is often caused by parasites or a
blockage in the colon. The colon pills have corrected many cases of diarrhea.

If your Question was not answered above: Submit your Question

Colon Pills Testimonials:“After two weeks, I cancelled my colon operation.”
— 30-year-old woman

This woman had a severe colon blockage. She could hardly go to the bathroom. The doctor wanted to remove her colon. After two weeks on the colon pills, she started going 2-3 times a day. her belly went way down. Her face started glowing! Her eyes started to sparkle. She looked so much younger and more beautiful. Ten relatives now take the pills.

I have created a 6 minute training video to help you understand the constipation problem and how to resolve it. Fill out and Learn.


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“For 25 years I would go 1-2 times every 10 days.”
— 40-year-old woman

“For 25 years I had irritable bowel syndrome. I was miserable. Sometimes, I was so constipated, it hurt when I walked. Before my period, I became so bloated, it looked like
I was three-months pregnant.” — MD

“I call these the miracle pills.”

“I tried most laxatives; nothing helped. I heard about the colon pills. My relatives were so
skeptical. They said it would never work. Were they wrong! Now I go 2-3 times a day; it
is such a wonderful feeling. I don’t get bloated. My face doesn’t break out. I feel so much
healthier. I don’t get food cravings anymore. My cousin loves them too; she lost nine
pounds.” — VT

“I can finally go to the bathroom again. I will never give this up!”
— 39-year-old woman

“My hair grows like it did 20 years ago.”

“After 6 months, my hair started growing so fast. My hair was always short and very hard.
Now it is very soft and shiny — like a baby’s. My hair is now so long, people beg me to
get a haircut. This is something I never experienced in my life.” — TX

“I’m like a new-born baby.”

“After 3-4 months on the formula, I lost 15 pounds from all the junk that came out of me. I feel more alert and sharper. I can do spinning aerobic exercises and never get dizzy. Before, I always got dizzy. Plus my skin is smoother. It’s pink like a little child’s. I found the formula takes all the pollution from the air, food, and water out of your body. — NH

“I feel so well, I cancelled my insurance. I don’t need it. Insurance gives you death. This formula gives me LIFE. I have been taking it for three years. I have been studying nutrition for 14 years and never came across anything like this. With this, you see instant action. — NC

Hemorrhoids: “I had hemorrhoids for five years. They were bleeding, itching and stinging.
After six weeks of taking the colon pills, all this vanished.” — VA

Constipation: “I could go only once every week. I was packed solid; even Ex-lax didn’t help. I went to the hospital and spent $3,000 on doctors. Noting worked. The next step was a colostomy. The colon pills were a lifesaver. Within one day, I went. Thank God.” — CA

Eyesight: “My eyes used to be very red around the pupils. Now they are white and clear. I noticed a 50% improvement in vision.” Another said, “So many toxins came out, the color of my eyes changed from a dark gray to a beautiful blue.” — MA

“The Mayo Clinic wanted to cut out my colon.”

Irritable bowel syndrome: “For eight months, I could only have a bowel movement with an enema. I saw nine doctors and spent over $10,000 — with no answer in sight. At the last moment, a friend told me about the colon pills. The first night, I had a movement. Now, I am normal. I couldn’t ask for a greater miracle. I have gotten so many people on this.” — MN

Lost 35 pounds: One woman lost 35 lbs. Before she was 170. Now she is 135.

Chronic constipation: Some people who could only go once every 3-10 days in tiny amounts — now “go like a horse” three times a day.

Health problems often begin in the bathroom.

Jim Foley is like a preacher when it comes to extolling the benefits of his colon pills. “People complain all the time about the toxic environment. Yet, their own body is often far more polluted. Most people’s colon is like a rotting sewer line and they don’t even know it. But it’s easy to fix.

“I know these pills could have saved my dad’s life. But tragically, he had to die of colon cancer to wake me up to the importance of the colon.”

Colon Pills Usage Guide

(Page for printing) General dosages are:

• Phase 1: one capsule at bedtime 2-3 days, pay attention to how you are doing and drink lots of water

If you achieve the movements you want do not move to phase two, you have found the correct amount for you.

• Phase  2: two capsules at bedtime 3-4 days, pay attention to how you are doing and drink lots of water

If you achieve the movements you want do not move to phase three, you have found the correct amount for you.

• Phase 3: one capsule before lunch and two capsules at bedtime 3-4 days, pay attention to how you are doing and drink lots of water

If you achieve the movements you want do not move to phase four, you have found the correct amount for you.

• Phase 4: one capsule in the morning, one capsule before lunch and two capsules at bedtime

Following days: Increase or decrease the dosage as necessary to achieve the optimal three bowel movements daily. (Most people settle into a pattern of one or two capsules daily after the initial cleansing.)

Notes: drink an *additional eight ounces of water with each dose.

You will need to adjust the dosage for your body.

If you develop diarrhea, cut back on the dose.

It may take a month or more for you to notice complete cleansing.

You should notice some changes within the first few days.

Once you have begun the cleansing process you will notice results such as:

More energy

Better weight control with fewer undesired fluctuations

Being able to skip those afternoon naps

Sharper mental abilities

Loss of the bloated, swollen feeling

Common sense reminder about Colon Pills and all bulking items:

Bulking items contain soluble and insoluble fiber. The insoluble fiber sweeps debris through the digestive track.

Here is the caution: It is best to avoid taking nutritional supplements with the bulking items because some of the nutrition may be carried through your digestive system without being absorbed.

We recommend separating the ingestion of the bulking items and meals (or supplements) by 1 1/2 hours.

Jim’s Colon Pills Ingredients 500 MG each cap:

Cascara sagrada: The very safest laxative, antibiotic effect on harmful bacteria in the intestines, stimulates the secretions of the entire digestive system, restores tone to the bowel

Senna pods: Mucilage, stimulant, laxative, cathartic

Psyllium seeds: Eliminates toxins in the colon, retains moisture in the colon, lubricant, rebuilds colon, creates bulk and fiber lacking in our diets

Turkey Rhubarb: Laxative, eases stomach pain, antibacterial, hepatic, removes irritating substances, stimulates, cleanses, and tones the alimentary and intestinal areas

Aloe: Emollient, bitter tonic, vermifuge, anodyne, hepatic

Barberry root: Deep cleansing effect on the body, especially the stomach and bowels, antibacterial, beneficial effect on the entire digestive system, beneficial use in hepatitis

Slippery elm: Absorbs noxious gases, soothes inflamed or irritated areas, neutralizes stomach acidity, demulcent, emollient, nutritive laxative

No preservatives or artificial ingredients!




Note: Jim’s Colon Pills are a natural dietary supplement. Statements included herein shall not
be construed to imply claims or representations that this product treats or prevents disease.

Click here to order 

Jim’s Colon Cleanse Formula

Dr. Bernard Jensen, D.C., Ph.D., Nutritionist, writes, “In the 50 years I’ve spent helping people to overcome illness, disability and disease, it has become crystal clear that poor bowel management lies at the root of most people’s health problems. In treating over 300,000 patients, it is the bowel that invariably has to be cared for before any healing can take place.”

Most of the nutrients our body needs are absorbed through the walls of the colon. One of the colon’s jobs is to squeeze whatever is in it to get the nutrients out. After it is through squeezing, the peristaltic muscles are supposed to push out what is left. If the bowel system isn’t working properly not everything gets pushed out, and gradually the residue coats the walls of the colon with some of the world’s best glue, and also creates a toxic liquid which gets into the bloodstream. Every tissue in the body is fed by the bloodstream, so when it becomes toxic we have a condition of autointoxication. This produces undesirable consequences and is the root cause of many of today’s diseases and illnesses. This is the way we manufacture disease in our body.

Cleansing the colon is very important. Jim’s Colon Pills should be used to have regular elimination, so that the waste isn’t being stored in the colon. Then, his Colon Cleanse capsules can be used to detoxify the bowel and to tone and strengthen the peristaltic muscles.

Colon Pills and Colon Cleanse Testimonial:

“I was using herbal laxatives with great success, but after reading about Jim’s Colon Pills and Colon Cleanse formula, I decided to try them because I felt that it would clean the colon more thoroughly. I started taking one Colon Pill capsule twice a day along with one Colon Cleanse capsule in the evening. I could tell an immediate difference in the amount of fecal matter that was being removed from my colon. After about a month, I reduced the amount to one Colon Pill capsule each morning and continue to take one Colon Cleanse capsule in the evening. I know the Colon Pills and Colon Cleanse capsules keep my colon working better.”

Colon Cleanse Usage Guide

Works best when used in conjunction with Jim’s Colon Pills.

Take one Colon Cleanse capsule each morning and enough Colon Pills each evening to have 2-3 bowel movements each day.

Always take Colon Pills and Colon Cleanse capsules with 8 ounces of water.

Note: Jim’s Colon Pills and Colon Cleanse capsules are natural dietary supplements. Statements included herein shall not be construed to imply claims or representations that these products treat or prevent disease.

Jim’s Colon Cleanse Ingredients: 500 MG each cap

Cascara sagrada: The very safest laxative, antibiotic effect on harmful bacteria in the intestines, stimulates the secretions of the entire digestive system, restores tone to the bowel

Psyllium seeds: Eliminates toxins in the colon, retains moisture in the colon, lubricant, rebuilds colon, creates bulk and fiber lacking in our diets

Psyllium hulls: Contains high levels of fiber, helpful with all bowel problems reduces auto toxicity, soothing and protective, beneficial with hemorrhoids helping to soften the stool and reduce irritation

Senna pods: Mucilage, stimulant, laxative, cathartic

Licorice root: Mild Laxative, detoxifier, blood purifier, strengthens the adrenals, creates a mucus lining in the stomach which is beneficial for inflammation in the stomach

Aloe: Emollient, bitter tonic, vermifuge, anodyne, hepatic

Turkey Rhubarb: Laxative, eases stomach pain, antibacterial, hepatic, removes irritating substances, stimulates, cleanses, and tones the alimentary and intestinal areas

Buckthorn: Expels worms, keeps the bowels regular without irritation, cleansing to the liver, gallbladder, blood and intestines, eliminates excess body fluids, anti-arthritic

Prunes: Draws toxic material in the body into the bowels to be eliminated, cleansing and laxative effect on the bowel

Dandelion: Detoxifies the liver, gallbladder and kidneys, encourages steady elimination of toxins, prevents gallstones, contains high levels of potassium

Barberry root: Deep cleansing effect on the body, especially the stomach and bowels, antibacterial, beneficial effect on the entire digestive system, beneficial use in hepatitis

Slippery elm: Absorbs noxious gases, soothes inflamed or irritated areas, neutralizes stomach acidity, demulcent, emollient, nutritive laxative

Marshmallow: Mild laxative, helpful in many intestinal difficulties, including diverticulitis and colitis, demulcent, helpful in treating diarrhea

Alfalfa: Cleans, builds and nourishes the body, rich in vitamins and minerals, digestive enzymes produce better digestion and assimilation

Calamus root: Helps to clear up disorders of the stomach and the intestinal tract, prevents griping of the other herbs

Plantain: Kills infection, cleansing herb, counters blood poisoning, antibiotic

Black walnut: Eliminates parasites from the body, oxygenating abilities burn up excess toxins

Butternut: Tonic, astringent, alterative, cathartic, expels worms from the intestines, excellent remedy for chronic constipation

Gentian root: Purifies the blood, good for liver complaints, strengthens digestive organs, improves appetite, expels worms

Red clover: Blood cleanser and tonic, digestive aid, detergent, alterative, mild stimulant

Flax seed: Mucilaginous, demulcent, emollient, soothing to an irritated digestive tract, draws toxins into the intestines to be eliminated out of the body

Sage brush: Cleansing herb, very healing, rids the body of toxic waste

Chicory: Tonic, laxative, diuretic, expels morbid matter out of the stomach, bitter tonic for the liver and digestive tract, mild laxative

Fennel: Beneficial for the stomach, stomachic, relieves cramping, fortifies
the nerves, prevents gas in the stomach and bowels, settles stomach pain

Ginger: Carminative, anti-emetic, antiseptic, making it highly beneficial for gastrointestinal infections, circulatory stimulant

Chamomile: Very soothing to the stomach, helpful with digestive problems, relaxant, anti-spasmodic, carminative, mild bitter

Calendula: Antiseptic, detoxifying, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, heals wounds, prevents hemorrhaging

Wahoo: Tonic, laxative, expectorant, diuretic, alterative, helpful in liver and gallbladder problems

Cloves: Antiseptic carminative, stimulant, analgesic, antispasmodic, helps in digestive discomfort, eliminates parasites, prevents vomiting

Yucca: Blood purifier, digestive aid

Blue vervain: Settling to the stomach, stimulates bile secretion, tonic, mild bitter, expels worms, will remove obstructions in the bowel, colon and bladder

Blue flag: Hepatic, alterative, laxative, vermifuge, resolvent

Red raspberry leaf: Helpful with bowel problems, relieves nausea, atomachic, tonic

Recommendation: Jim’s Colon Cleanse capsules work best when used in conjunction with Jim’s Colon Pills. Take one Colon Cleanse each morning and enough Colon Pills each evening to have 2-3 bowel movements each day (for more detailed instructions for Jim’s Colon Pills please see the above Colon Pills Usage Guide).

No preservatives or artificial ingredients!




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Colon Pills and Colon Cleanse Capsules Questions and Answers

Question: How many Colon Pills and Colon Cleanse capsules should I take?

Answer: Take one Colon Cleanse in the morning and one Colon Pill at bedtime, each with 8 oz. of water.

Note: There is no need to take more than one Colon Cleanse capsule daily. However, you may need more than one Colon Pill daily. To discover how many Colon Pills you need per day gradually increase the number you take until you achieve the optimal three bowel movements daily (see above Usage Guide). For instance, on day two take two Colon Pills at bedtime, on day three one before lunch and two at bedtime, on day four one in the morning, two before lunch and two at bedtime.

Question: How long do I take the Colon Cleanse capsules?

Answer: When you get down to 7 capsules in the bottle stop taking them and pay attention to what’s going on with your bowel movements. If you continue having three bowel movements a day by taking just the Colon Pills, you do not need to continue taking the Colon Cleanse capsules. If you felt better when you were taking the Colon Cleanse capsules, continue taking them and order another bottle. It is perfectly safe to continue to take both the Colon Pills and the Colon Cleanse capsules daily indefinitely.

Question: When I take the Colon Pills and Colon Cleanse why would I not feel as good as I usually do?

Answer: This can happen if you do not drink enough water. The Mayo Clinic’s formula for how much water you should intake each day is your weight in pounds divided by ½ then drink this number in ounces. Add 8 ounces for every 30 minutes of activity like walking, etc.

Question: How many bottles of Colon Pills and Colon Cleanse capsules should I buy?

Answer: Order one Combination Special Colon Pills/Colon Cleanse, which gives you 100 Colon Cleanse capsules (a three month supply) and 100 Colon Pills (a one month supply — more or less — depending on your body’s needs at the present time).

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